Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The first thought that occurs to me is who am I welcoming and why?  I guess the traditional first post would be all about why I am writing this blog and where it came from.  

The title comes from my life.  I live a life of crossed paths, dualities, yin and yang, however you want to say it.  I work in the technical world yet attempt to embrace the natural world in my home.  I believe in both Christianity and Wicca.  There are many more mundane dualities (I have two children, a boy and a girl) and many more that I keep close to me.  I long to let everyone know of these dualities but fear repercussions should they truly be discovered.  There are other good examples but I believe this is enough for everyone to understand where the name is from.

As for what will eventually be found here, I plan to fill these postings with my many findings on natural living, on embracing the simple life while maintaining a life outside my home, of my beliefs and information surrounding them.  It is hard to find information on the Christian Witch and what makes up that Path.  I actively seek out this information and would like to amass it for others to easily be able to find it.  I also actively seek out natural remedies, recipes, and solutions and want to have those easily found as well. 

Do not look to me as one who has answers though.  I have opinions and beliefs and information but the only place you will find answers is within yourself.  I encourage everyone to read and interpret my thoughts and believes in their own light.  I may have answers to practical matters like: What is the best natural way to clean glass?  Vinegar, diluted so you can handle the odor.  Ask me about recipes, ways that I have found things, and anything else and I will happily answer.  I will happily give my opinion as well on religion and life but those are your answers to find.  

This is my path.  I am still learning, still discovering.  I fall and I get back up.  I laugh and I cry.  But in the end I know that there is goodness.  Do not take my word as truth but as the simplicity of one voice saying, "This is what I believe."

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