Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I am even finding the beginning of this post inadequate.  This is my third attempt to write my first paragraph.  There, I did it!

Often as I go through my day to day life I run into many places where I think, I should be doing better. Like right now I should be on my way to work but I am here writing instead.  It is probably good I was not on my way to work because an unexpected downpour came into being and I was able to frantically close all the windows in the house before it rained in.  That, by itself, is the message.  While we may think that we should be doing one thing, there is a reason we are not.  I choose today to believe that I stayed home for a reason.  Not only is that reason to share this with whoever happens to be reading this blog but to also close the windows so it did not rain in.

I have friends who post beautiful pictures on Facebook of altars and artwork that they have done; of wonderful scenery and places they have found.  My work seems to pail in comparison.  At least most of the time.  I am working on a book for myself.  And it is turing out beautiful.  But, I won't share most of it.  I did share the cover page and got some very positive response for it.  However, I don't want to be a show off, I don't want to burden my friends with having to respond about how nice they think it is.  Instead I focus on the negative of how my altar is not as beautiful, I could never make something as artistic as them.

In this season of growing, I think it is my attitude that needs to grow.  Instead of looking at my own work as inadequate, I should look to theirs for inspiration.  Instead of trying to banish the negativity caused by others, I should focus on banishing the negativity caused by myself.  I have learned a lot in the past few years.  The purpose of this blog is to share it.  Therefore, the only piece of true knowledge I give you today is this: you can only change yourself.  Promote what you want to see and who you want to be.  Do not let another's success feel like your failure.  We are here to help and support each other along our path, whatever that path may be.

Next time I post it will be more fun.  No more feeling like I can't do this.  I can write this blog and share what is in my head and heart.  What has you feeling inadequate and what can you do to change the situation for yourself?


  1. Piper, we all have these feelings of inadequacy. What can we do? Like you said, look to others for inspiration. That is why I enjoy seeing and reading what others have posted. I don't always get to see or read every single thing, but there are lots of things that move me. Altars should not be made to be beautiful for the sake of others. You make it beautiful for your God/Goddess...you do your best, what you would think would be pleasing to them. What is or isn't beautiful to everyone else has no bearing and that goes for anything artistic that you try. If you like it, that is all that matters. We all like to compare ourselves (whether we admit it or not) to others...and we have to learn to stop doing this because we are all individuals, on an individual path, on different levels of "being." This is our spiritual growth. We don't have to look for praise from someone else for our work, our beliefs or any of those things. Like you said, do not let another's success feel like your failure. Our job is to encourage others, help others and love each other. What we bring to the table is just as valid as what the next person brings. BB

  2. Wonderfully stated! I meant to tell you before but forgot. Thanks for the thoughts!
