Mabon (the eve before the Autumn Equinox through the day's sunset) -
This is the second of the harvest festivals, celebrating the vine harvest and wine. God's presence is apparent on the Earth but weaker as He moves more toward being the protector above. The Goddess, though sad, is comforted by the growing Child within Her, knowing the special role He will play in Her calling. She continues in Her role as the Holy Spirit, guiding and teaching those on earth who wish to follow God's will. She is the Great Mother who perseveres in guiding man to God as She moves toward becoming the Crone.
History -
Mabon does not have as storied of a history as many of the other Sabbats do. Celebrating the Harvest and the equinox have been around for a while but while trying to research the actual history of this holiday it was very hard to find anything. One thing does seem clear, it is a time to celebrate the Harvest and give thanks for the fruits of your labor! As this is the only purely Wiccan holiday with no corresponding Christian version, it can also be a time to celebrate with your fellow Wiccans during a pride festival or other gathering.
Decorations -
Any autumn colors are appropriate. Corn, wheat, gourds, squash, pumpkins, apples, and grapes all make wonderful Mabon decorations for your altar. Baskets and harvest gathering supplies to show the season are good as well.
Ritual -
Before you begin your ritual take a walk in the woods or anywhere you feel comfortable. Feel Mother Nature around you, breathe in her essence in the air. Look for any fallen leaves, nuts, seed pods or the like that will make additional decoration for your altar or home. Take this time to thank the earth for everything that it provides us with. Take a moment to thank the Father and Son for the support they give to the Blessed Mother in this time and all year long. Although the Father is not walking beside the Mother at this time, His presence is always felt.
Sort any of the items you brought home into those that you would consider first fruits (the best of all of them) and the rest. Those that are first fruits are the ones that you should use as an offering to the Goddess and God. Keep them close at hand for the ritual.
Prepare your altar. Place a yellow candle, orange candle, and black candle in sequence for past, present, and future.
Cast your circle and call the Lady and Lord. You may also call the elements and corners if you wish.
State your intentions in the form of this:
Lady and Lord, today is the day to thank you for the fruits of the past year's labor.
The Harvest is complete, the bounty gathered, the season of the Hearth is drawing near.
Light the yellow candle and say:
Thank you for the glorious glow of the Sun; the representation for all to see of the strength of our Heavenly Father. Although the Wheel has turned past this time, His presence is alway near. On this day of equal light and dark, we remember the balance of life giving light and soul searching dark.
Light the orange candle and say:
Thank you for the time to collect the Harvest, to reap this bounty.
Place the offering on the altar and say:
In this time of the present it is with a grateful heart that I give to you, Loving Mother, this offering. May you accept it in all your grace and love. Through this may the harvest of the year support and sustain those in my heart through the coming season.
Light the black candle and say:
We thank you for the future season of home and hearth. On this day we remember that even as the physical being of the Father grows weaker, we will rejoice again at the birth of the Son who grows within the Maiden during this time of the home. May [we/I] look within during this season to allow myself to grow into the plan that you have for [me/us].
Silently meditate for a few minutes. Then say:
The Harvest has been great and will see those in my heart through the time of darkness. Thanks to you Lady and Lord for providing everything needed to sustain us here on Earth.
If you called the elements say:
Thank you Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth for your ever present dance upon this realm.
Thankfully dismiss those invited. Within a day return your offering to the earth by either burying it, scattering it in water, or burning it and scattering the ashes. Do whatever feels right for your practice.
Celebrate with a meal including various root vegetables.