Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bring a little friendship

This morning as I was reading Facebook I came across a sister witch who felt abandoned by her friends.  She was asking for help, a ritual to bring new friends into her life.  It got me to thinking about how often we have all been there.  For one reason or another, we feel alone and abandoned.  And one of the most comforting things to do is to retreat back to our beliefs and ask to not be alone.  I am starting to think that it isn't love or fear or grief that is the most powerful emotion but loneliness.

I was struck by her plight and able to come up with a spell.  As I told her, and I hope with all the spells that are found here, only use this for inspiration.  The most potent magick is that which you write yourself because it has your emotions, your desires, and your correspondences in it.  It is what you believe.  In fact, I had a hard time writing the end of this spell.  Following a Christian path, mine always end with thanking the Son as well, but this person does not follow a Christian path.

Friendship Spell

Set your altar as you normally would.
Start with opening your circle, call to the Goddess and God, invite the elements.
Light a pink, brown or white candle. Look into the candle and see yourself with your new friends. See yourselves out laughing and having fun, comforting each other in times of sorrow, helping with each other's children, your children playing together. Be careful to not see the faces because these are yet unknown people to you.  Say the following:

Some have left and gone away, I do not wait another day. Their friendship gone, time has past and left a space for friendship that will last. I call to those who want the same, though I do not know your name. An ye harm none, by the breath of air, the wave of water, the mountain of earth, and the sun of fire, Lady and Lord, as I will so mote it be.

Finish by thanking those attending and closing your circle.

*Image from Words To Inspire the Soul facebook page

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Yule/Christmas Ritual

Yule (Dec 24 at sunset through Dec 25 at  sunset*) -

The God's Son is born!  With His arrival He brings His Father's light back to the Earth.  The Goddess begins to awaken and care for Her newborn Child.  The God continues to protect both Mother and Child from above while His plan unfolds on Earth.  On Earth, Mother Mary is consumed with the Holy Spirit who gives her the wisdom to raise and teach Her Child.

*The date on Yule is difficult to place.  Three dates could easily be used: the day of the Winter Solstice, the Catholic day (above), or the Orthodox day which is generally January 7 or 8. Whatever fits your walk the best is the best one to use.

History -

For centuries the return of the light has been celebrated in many religions.  Among the many holidays are Christmas, Hanukkah, and Yule.  All are celebrated at a different time but are celebrated as holidays of light.  In the Christian religion the Light is the Son of God.  In the Pagan religion it is the light of the sun that is returning.  As Christianity started to spread, many Pagan rituals became incorporated as part of Christmas.  The history of Christmas is well documented but a good synopsis is at Wikipedia.  From the Celtic religion there is also the story of the Oak and Holly kings.  The Oak King battles the Holly King and in the end rings a new light to the world.

Decorations -

Traditional decorations for Christmas are evergreens, holly, candles.  The colors of red and green abound.  Pine cones and stars are wonderful decorations as well.  A nativity scene with the Holy Family can be the centerpiece decoration.  A decorated tree is also a tradition. 

Rituals -

There are many rituals that can be observed for Yule.  Gift giving, family dinners, and celebrations all figure into the wonderful meaning of the season which focuses on family.

When decorating with a live tree remember to say a blessing over the tree and thank it for bringing its beauty to you.  An easy blessing would be:

Evergreen that has come to me
Beauty you bring for all to see
Lights upon your branches foretell
Longer days and warmth so well
Thank you for being part
Of the festival in my heart
By earth, air, fire, water
I bless you.

Rituals that focus on family and the home are wonderful this time of year.  A simple family ritual would be to get a cauldron and a small paper for everyone.  Write or draw your wishes for each other.  Light a candle in the cauldron and form a circle around it.  Go around the circle and have everyone tell what they thought of and put the paper in the cauldron.

For a simple solitary ritual get a broom and white candle.

Open a circle as appropriate for your tradition and invite the Lord, Lady, and elements that you wish.

Light the candle and say:

Lady above, out of the darkness you have brought forth light.

While sweeping say:

I gather the darkness and night and sweep them to the light.

Sweep for as long as feels right.  Replace your broom and say:

I welcome back to earth the Son
The love and light that comes from the One
Lady of Love your Child comes this night
Never remove him from our sight
Bless him by earth, water, fire, and air
On this night so fair

Thank the Lord and Lady and elements for attending and close the circle.  Do not hesitate to go to Church to celebrate the birth.