(Oct 31 at sunset through Nov 1 at sunset) -
God has withdrawn to the Heavens and become the protector of the
Goddess as She sleeps waiting to give birth to His child. Her
sadness at the separation from Him and her Son drives Her to slumber
as the Crone. The God's child steadily grows within Her,
waiting to return to Earth. The last of the crops are gathered
in as part of the final harvest festival. Our ancestors are
honored as angels and agents of God, protecting and helping us from
afar as God does the Goddess.
History of Samhain -
Samhain (pronounced "sow-en") has long been considered a time to honor ones ancestors. Plates of food would often been left outside for the souls of the dead. Candles would be placed in windows to guide these souls to the land of the dead. While these souls roamed the Earth, it was tradition to carve a gourd or small pumpkin to carry with you and in it place a light to confuse any malicious spirits one would meet. The viel between the world of the living and dead is at its thinnest and communication with the ancestors the easiest it will be during the year.
At the same time this is a celebration of the New Year. The Harvest is now complete and all the crops are gathered in. A season of the hearth and home is upon us.
Decorations -
Any type of Harvest decoration is appropriate. Colors of orange, black, and maroon invoke the autumn colors. Apples, pumpkins, pomegranates, and gourds help to decorate the home and altars.
Rituals -
The Samhain Ritual can be as simple or elaborate as you like. It can invoke both the new year and wishes for what is to come as well as reverence for what has been. Here are a few elements that can be included in your normal ritual style.
A very simple idea for Ancestor Meditation is a very powerful way to connect with your ancestors. Take time to connect with them on Earth through pictures and mementoes of them. Allow your heart and head to wander through memories of those who have gone before you. Think about who you are and how your ancestors have formed you. Then, recite your genealogy and describe each person you know. Be sure to thank all those who re unknown to you.
Focus also on the new year. Think of the last twelve months, what you liked and did not. On a small piece of paper write what you would like to come within the next year. Build a small fire or light a candle in your cauldron. Light the paper on fire and allow it to burn in the cauldron while reciting:
Lady and Lord above
Hear these words
As I start this year in love.
My wishes for the coming year
I send to the winds
Help me see the intentions through
With earth, air, fire, water
By the love of your Son to come
As I will so mote it be.
Thank the Lord and Lady for the coming year and for their part in the unending Wheel. Honor the fact that God has gone to be with those in the heavens for a time. Celebrate with family and friends in the normal manner for Halloween as well. If you belong to a Church that has services on this day to honor the Saints, do not hesitate to attend them. It only furthers the rituals you have already done.