One of the complaints that I have heard from people about my path is that there is a Wiccan belief that the Divine resides in us all. Many Christians will tell me how it is sacrilegious to believe that the Spirit of God resides within each of us. How untrue this is! The Bible gives many references to the Holy Spirit living within each of us.
I am reminded of an old song that I was taught in Sunday School when I was growing up, the refrain of which is:
The Church is not a building
The Church is not a steeple
The Church is not a resting place
The Church is the people
Going back to the Old Testament in Ezekiel the Bible states "And I will put my Spirit within you" (Ezekiel 36:25-27). In 1 Corinthians we are told that "God's Spirit dwells in you" (1 Corinthians 3:15-17).
Romans 8:11 takes this a step further and tells us that the only way we may live is the have the Spirit dwelling within us.
Given this confirmation from the Bible how is it wrong to believe that the Divine lives in each of us? The Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity therefore Divine! To be baptized is to invite the Holy Spirit to reside in you.
I recognize the Divine within myself. Does that make me Divine? No, far from it. And I have yet to meet a Pagan who states that they are the Divine because the Divine lives in them. They are part of the Divine. Just as all Christians are one in the body of Christ, Pagans are one with the Divine.
I will happily allow the Divine to live within me and to commune with my Spirit. As those intertwine I only become closer to my Divine family and closer to all those who are also entwined with my Divine family.