Thursday, May 29, 2014

I have those days....

...those days when I wonder why.  Why am I writing?  Who am I reaching?  Am I really reaching anyone?  And if not, how do I reach more?  Do I really want to reach more?

I owe this blog, and myself, a Beltane ritual.  I haven't written it yet.  I am sorry to say that I haven't but I haven't.  I am thinking that I will try to get it done this weekend in between the other "I want to do" and "I need to do" tasks.  Above all, what I want to do and need to do is live my life!

It has been a tough month.  I don't know why, and I really am not going to complain about it.  But, I set out about six months ago with a mission: to write a blog that had a Christian Wiccan ritual for each of the Sabbats.  Maybe next year I will do all the full moons.  Just a small short ritual for each.

For now, I just need to keep going.  I need to keep writing and knowing that God/dess brought me to this place, to this desire to write for a reason.  I don't know what it is, but She does.